Top 5 Platforms to Improve Your Programming Skills

In this article, I’m going to explain about top 5 Platforms to Improve your Programming skills, and these platforms will play a vital role when it comes to getting placement. A few platforms are there in the list that will help you to change your habit of coding and help you to think about the different aspects of the program.

Programming is a task of responsibility and if you are not able to bear this responsibility then you have no right to be in this as your one mistake can create huge problems for mankind. And if you are not taking it seriously then you will not achieve success as well.

And you can improve your programming skills with practice only. So let’s move towards the list which consists of a few platforms which are mainly used for the practice of programming languages.

Top 5 Platforms to Improve Programming Skills
Top 5 Platforms to Improve Programming Skills



GeesforGeeks is a platform where you can learn programming and compile code as well as you can practice and improve your programming skills, as GeeksforGeeks provides various topics and questions related to them on their platform.

GeeksforGeeks is like notes as it has every required topic on their platform which makes you free to carry your notes everywhere. You can just any query and you will find every single answer on this platform. And for practicing whatever you have learned you got numerous amount of questions.

If you want to run any code but facing issues compiling it on VS Code or any other device compiler then you can use the compiler available on the platform which is sufficient to run a normal platform which usually college students write.



LeetCode is a well-known platform for practicing your programming skills. LeetCode has several questions with hidden test cases which will help you to improve the way you write the code and also help you to debug and remove any possible error from the code.

Now, you might be thinking that how any mistake will happen, we will only write the correct code. Let me explain to you, let’s say you are writing a very simple program for adding two numbers by taking input from the users.

So you will write simple code like you will initialize integer variable then you’ll take input from users and add it and print it. But what if a user gives a float value as input or a character as input? So, to fix these mistakes you should think about them first. And to tackle these problems platforms like LeetCode are used widely.



GitHub is a platform that is used by almost all big platforms, and if you are fresher then it is recommended to submit the codes and programs you write as the interviewers usually check and analyze your LinkedIn and GitHub profiles.

Uploading projects on GitHub is quite lengthy but once you understand the process then this simple thing can help you to grab big opportunities and can help to get the higher package. You can also use GitHub to host your small project website without hosting as GitHub gives you the option to live your website without hosting or domain.



HackerRank is a platform that usually helps you to practice and improve your programming skills. Initially, it was mainly used for practice only but nowadays you will get to learn different topics or programming languages on this platform as well.

HackerRank gives you a ranking based on the scores you got while practicing the questions available there. There are test cases hidden in the questions that you need to solve before submitting the solution to the questions.

Dry Run

Dry Run
Dry Run

Now, I know you might be confused while reading this word in the list of platforms and a few of you might be thinking that there is a platform named Dry Run to practice programming language. But let me clear that there is no any platform named dry run.

Dry Run is a technique to understand step by step how the code is working. It is the way that helps you to enhance your logic-building skills and you should dry run any problem before writing the code. It will help you understand the way and logic of creating the program.

And if you are a beginner or fresher then this trick is highly recommended for you and if you copy the code from anywhere then also you should dry run the code and try to understand how the code is working and what’s the logic behind it.

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