Important Topics of DSA: DSA stands for Data Structures and Algorithms and if you are a CSE student and searching for a job then this subject is going to help you to get a high-paying job. But if you think that you’ll get a job without studying DSA, then it will be difficult.
You might get a job but that will be a low-paying job or a job in the sales department. So, it is good to study a subject which can help you to get a good job. But remember that DSA is not a subject that you can finish in one day like other subjects.
It needs proper concentration and practice then only you can complete this subject and score good grades as well as can get good jobs. So, in this article, I’m going to give you the top 5 important topics of DSA, so read this article till the end.
Table of Contents
1. Linked List – Important Topics of DSA
Linked List is a linear type of data used to create a collection of data and manage memory properly. This is a type of data that you have to learn in order to understand other data types. The concept of a linked list is used in other data types also.
Linked lists and arrays are usually used to store data in different types but Linked List is the favorite topic for every interviewer. The concept of a Linked list is quite tough and the memory management in a Linked list is quite efficient that’s why every interviewer’s favorite topic is Linked List.
2. Stack & Queue – Important Topics of DSA
Stack and queue is another important topic in Data Structures and Algorithms and the questions related to Infix, Postfix, and prefixes are usually asked from this topic. Stack is a last in first out (LIFO) type of data means the data that came last will get deleted first, the concept of deletion in this data type is known as pop, and the concept of insertion is known as push.
The interviewers usually ask questions related to infixes, prefixes, and postfixes, and a few important topics of the stack are Linked list and array representation and traversal into the queue, priority queue, and double-ended queue. The time complexity of each operation is usually asked in the interviews.
3. Tree & Recursion
Important Topics of DSA: Tree is the most important concept of DSA and the most complex concept as well. If you are able to learn trees that means that you learned DSA very well and can solve the complex questions of DSA as well. The main thing in the tree is to learn via the implementation of the tree using recursion.
Trees: Binary trees: introduction (complete and extended binary trees), memory representation
(linked, sequential), Binary Search Tree: introduction, searching, insertion, and deletion, In-order
traversal, Pre-order traversal, Post-order traversal using recursion
Recursion: Introduction, Recursive implementation of Towers of Hanoi, Merge sort, Quick sort
4. AVL Trees and Heaps
Important Topic of DSA: AVL stands for Adelson-Velsky and Landis. The questions from this topic are usually asked for the interview purpose as the AVL is a small topic and coding questions can not be made from it but the coding questions can be asked from Heaps as there are a lot of concepts in Heaps and a few important topics are given below.
AVL trees and Heaps: AVL trees Introduction, AVL trees Insertion, AVL trees Deletion, Heaps:
Insertion, Heaps: Deletion, HeapSort, Huffman algorithm
5. Graphs & Hashing
Graphs: Warshall’s algorithm, Graph Traversal: BFS, DFS, Shortest path algorithm Floyd Warshall
Algorithm(modified warshall algorithm)
Hashing: Hashing introduction: hash functions, hash table, Open hashing (separate chaining),
Closed hashing (open addressing): linear probing, quadratic probing, and double hashing.
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