Top 5 Artificial Intelligence Tools for CSE Students

There was a time when we needed to write numbers of words on our own if we got any presentation or project work. But Nowadays the time has changed totally. Now we can create projects or find the solution to any problem with just one tap. And the thing which made it possible is known as Artificial Intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence is something that has totally changed our way of living. Now we don’t need to surf the whole in search of one problem. We can just put our query into the AI Model and boom, the answer is ready. So in this article, I’m going to share the list of the top 5 Artificial Intelligence tools for CSE Students that can make your journey easy. So let’s get started.

Top 5 Artificial Intelligence Tools for CSE Students
Top 5 Artificial Intelligence Tools for CSE Students

1. ChatGPT


ChatGPT is an AI model that has brought revolution into the market. A large number of people are in fear that they are going to lose their jobs. And it’s quite obvious that when the computer came millions of people have to lose their jobs and Artificial Intelligence is quite similar to humans. So it’s quite natural to have fear of something that can think like a human or we can say better than humans.

But there is another side of ChatGPT which is helping the users a lot. Now you don’t need to surf the whole internet to get answers to any question or solution to any problem. Now, you can ask for any code and it will generate an accurate answer in a few seconds.

So, according to me, ChatGPT is like a boon for us if we learn to use it properly in our day-to-day lives. It can make our tough work very easy and help us a lot. All you need to give is the right prompt and relax.

2. Google Bard

Google Bard
Google Bard

Google Bard is almost the same as ChatGPT but the difference is in their working style. Google has a large amount of data available on their server which gives them a plus point in comparison to ChatGPT as they can compare the answers and give the accurate and best possible answers to the users.

Google Bard can be used for our daily requirement and we don’t need to waste time in search of any query. Because of it, we can concentrate on other work and not get distracted easily. One more advantage of Google Bard is that it doesn’t have any time limit as ChatGPT has a time limit of 30 seconds after that you have to resume it again.

3. Slidespilot


Slidespilot is something that can be a boon to engineering students and those who have to create a lot of presentations. If you have to submit any presentation and you forgot and remember on the last day of submission then don’t worry.

You just have to give a few commands to Slidespilot about which type of presentation you need, what is the topic of the presentation, what is the theme of the presentation and how many slides you need, etc. After feeding all the commands you just relax and within a few seconds your presentation will be ready, you just have to do is check and change anything you want, and Then just submit it.

4. Grammarly


Grammarly is a tool that is very helpful in each field where formal English is required. It can also help you to learn professional English and use it properly. You can use it using its website but there’s a small extension for Chrome, all you need to do is to install it after that you are just good to go.

You can type wherever you want and if you make any mistake. It will also suggest the better way to write any text and will change and improve the grammar as well. While writing this content for you, I’m frequently using Grammarly to provide you with better and Grammarly correct sentences.

5. interview.Study

Interview.Study is something that you are going to use a lot during the placement time. Why I’m saying it is the Interview.Study gives you proper industry-level experience and training which helps you to crack the placement and get a good job. It has a different type of features like English Training Courses, Reasoning and Aptitude Learning Courses, etc.

The interface of the interview.Study is very responsive and user-friendly which helps you to concentrate properly and it saves your time a lot and lets you to learn efficiently.

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