Top 20 Best JavaScript Project Ideas with Source Code

If you are a computer science student preparing for job interviews and placements but currently do not have any project in your CV or want a project idea for your JavaScript college project, then this article is only for you. As in this article, we will share a list of JavaScript project Ideas with Source Code which you can create and put inside your CV or submit to your college project.

In this article, we will share several JavaScript Project Ideas with Source Code. So if you don’t have any time to create the projects on your own, you can take our article’s help, directly copy and paste the source code, modify it according to you, and submit it in your CVs or as your college project.

Top 20 Best JavaScript Project Ideas with Source Code

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript project ideas with source code: Talking about JavaScript, it’s a lightweight, cross-platform, single-threaded, and interpreted compiled scripting language, generally used by 65% of developers nowadays. And it’s still counting.

Javascript was initially developed to put life into normal projects. Every single event occurring on a web page is because of javascript if a website is not using javascript it’s losing almost 90% of its features if you want to create a button that has several events like double click single click or long precede then you need to implement javascript into that button.

JavaScript Requirements

JavaScript Project Ideas with Source Code: Major take organizations like Google Netflix Meta Uber and Microsoft uses javascript to implement different dynamic features. That’s why there are a lot of opportunities in this field. And because of this it’s the most demanding programming language for newbies and if you are sitting in any placement interviews then it is sure that they will demand at least one project related to javascript and there will be 30 to 40% interview questions related to the same.

Javascript is a programming language that helps you to create complex designs and features for your website. It helps you to make your website user-friendly and responsive which is more important in terms of gathering the user into a website. It helps you to create animated 2D/3D graphics design for your website. And everyone knows how demanding animated or 2D/3D graphic designs are there in the market.

JavaScript Projects With Source Code [2024]

So now we are going to share Several JavaScript project ideas with source code which you can directly download from the link available inside the page. The projects have several levels which is quite useful for beginners as well as experienced people. Whether you are a working professional, a final year student, or a fresher this article will help all the javascript enthusiasts.

Sr. No.Projects
1 Github profile search
2 Price range slider with Max-Min input
3 Button loading animation
4 Weather app
5 Movie Info App
6Button Loading Animation
7Lorem Ipsum Generator
8Notes App Design
9Real-time Chat Application
10Anagram Checker App
11To-Do App
12Animated Click Effect
13Create a Pagination
14Multi Step Progress Bar
15Toast Notification
16Data Export App
17Align Social Media Icon Vertically
18Countdown Timer
19Simple Calculator
20Recipe Finder

Why do we need to build JavaScript projects?

JavaScript project ideas with source code: If you are reading this article then I am quite sure there that you must be aware of why we need to create javascript projects. But if you have any question inside your mind then this article will clear all your questions.

So the main Funda to create a few projects is to stand out from the crowd which are going to sit along with you into the placements. See your class has at least 100 students and all those students will sit into the placement and everyone has done the same college degree, the same projects, and the same set of skills.

But as soon as you create a few beginner-level projects, and a few advanced-level projects, it will help you to stand out of the crowd and create a different impression in the eyes of interviewers. Javascript is a programming language which generally used in every organization. So creating a project in JavaScript will help you in every interview you are sitting.

How do I start a JS project?

Creating a javascript project is not a big task all you need to do is follow some set of steps and rules that are generally followed by big organizations which will help you to present your project in a good manner. So here I will be sharing my process which I usually follow to create a javascript project and you can also just copy and paste my process. Surely help you to create a good javascript project.

Steps to Create JavaScript Projects

  • The first step you all need to follow is to clear your mindset and choose an idea according to your interest and your skill level. Why I am saying skill level because If you select a very advanced project but your skills are very less then you will get frustrated and leave the project in the middle.
    • So better if you start with a beginner-level project and then your skills will automatically get boosted up and your mind will get open. Then you can create an intermediate-level project and then after that, you can move on to an advanced project which will be feature-loaded.
  • Select the tool and start creating and installing the frameworks like react etc which will help you in the future like if any tool you require and you start searching for it then it will distract you from the main goal. So better you select the tools and frameworks while starting the project only.
  • Plan the project and its features and break it into different milestones that will help you to structure your project in a better manner and create the different features according to people if you are thinking that I will start the project directly and then add on the feature then it will quite complicated and the structural project will not well mannered.
  • The second last step which I follow is to start developing the project according to the structure of the project. The last step I follow is to test the project and then improve it according to the requirements.

What are some good JavaScript projects?

We have shared the list of projects developed in this article but here I will classify all those projects into 3 categories. 1st category is beginner-level javascript projects, the second category is intermediate-level javascript projects, and the third category is advanced-level javascript Projects.

  • Beginner-Level JavaScript Project: Intermediate to-do app, Calculator, Weather App, Countdown timer, multi-step progress bar, pagination, etc.
  • Intermediate-Level JavaScript Project: Github profile search button loading animation align social media icon vertically, Multi-step progress bar movie info app, etc.
  • Advanced-Level JavaScript Project: Lorem Ipsum generator, notes app, real-time chat application, Interactive data visualization, a blog app, data export app, anagram checker app, etc.

What is the future of JavaScript?

Talking about the future of JavaScript, as I told you JavaScript is used by almost 65% of total web developers and the number is still increasing. So it tells that javascript is still in demand and the Future of javascript is quite impressive. If any developer having javascript skills will get a satisfying job but he needs to follow javascript truly and change their skill set according to the different frameworks of javascript being introduced.

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