Welcome to Thenewviews! We’ve prepared a quick guide to help you easily complete the task involving watching a video and submitting the code you find within it. Follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Click Here to Watch the Video
To get started, click the link below to open the video. Ensure you’re ready to watch and pay attention as you must extract a code from it!
Step 2: Open the Video Dated Today
Once you click the link, look for the video dated today. The date will be displayed on the video’s thumbnail, so select the correct one. A new video with a unique code will be available daily, so watching the right video is essential.
Step 2: Watch the Video Carefully
Once the video is opened, watch it all the way through. The code you’ll need to submit is embedded within the video, so pay close attention to every detail. Feel free to pause, rewind, or take notes if necessary to ensure you capture the code accurately.
Step 3: Submit the Code
After you’ve watched the video and noted down the code, head over to the submission page on Thenewviews and enter the code in the provided form. Double-check the code before submitting it to make sure it’s correct.
That’s it! Following these three easy steps will help you complete the task. Thank you for participating, and we look forward to your submission!