Top 5 Highly Paid Jobs After B. Tech(CSE)

When we hear from someone that he is doing a Bachelor of Technology with a major in Computer Science and Engineering then we think that he is going to get a very high-paying job and he will have several cars and a luxury house, blah, blah, blah;

Is it true? Will he get that much salary or is it just to say? So, here I am with the answers to all of your questions, bust the myth, and give you the list of the top 5 highly paid jobs after B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering.

Top 5 Highly Paid Jobs after B. Tech CSE
Top 5 Highly Paid Jobs after B. Tech CSE

Do Engineering Graduates Get High-Paying Jobs?

According to research, an Engineer needs to take 400 exams of at least 45 subjects with almost 150 assignments and numbers of practicals. And all their hard work pays them back after getting a high-paying job. So, we can say that it is true that you will get a high-paying job after the completion of your degree.

But there is also another side to this fact that only 7.5% of Engineering Graduates get a job in their core field. But another thing is that those who have good skills will get good jobs after the competition of their degree. So, now we will move towards the list of top 5 highly paid jobs after B. Tech (CSE).

1. Full Stack Web Developer

Full Stack Web Development
Full Stack Web Developer

As the internet was evolving there was only one required job in the field of Computer Science and Engineering, and it was of Developer or we can say Full Stack Web Developer. But as the internet has grown other requirements have also been generated and other fields have evolved.

But a Full stack Web Developer was required then, is required now, and will be required in the future as well. Full Stack Web Developer is a combination of two fields i.e. Frontend and Backend. It means a full-stack web developer must have the knowledge of both the front end and the back end.

Talking about the salary of a Full Stack Web Developer, it generally varies from 50k dollars to 150k dollars. And it will also go further depending on your skills and experience. Ya, you got it right, in the field of Computer Science and Engineering, the experience matters a lot.

2. Data Scientists

Data Science
Data Science

Once a billionaire said that now the one will win the war who has the best quality and large number of data which means today the war will be won by the data, not by the weapon and it is not wrong if I say that data is the biggest weapon nowadays. And to manage the data, data Scientists are required.

Today data is required everywhere, if you want to sell anything you need to target the audience, and to target the audience, data is required. And for managing this data properly, data scientist plays a vital role. So, it’s quite obvious that it’s going to be a high-paying job.

So talking about the average salary of a data scientist, it generally varies between 50k to 120k dollars. Note that all the salary we are explaining is on an annual basis which means that a data scientist will get 50-120k dollars on an annual basis.

3. CyberSecurity Expert

Cyber Security
Cyber Security

As the internet is growing the crime rate on it is also increasing. When we think about hacking, our minds only goes till the hacking of social media or websites. But let us seriously think about hacking, what could be hacked, and what will be its consequences?

Think about the hacking of Government Sites, think about the hacking of self-driven cars, think about the hacking of satellites, think about the hacking of Nuclear Weapons. So, to fight and defeat this level of crime we need an army of professionally trained cybersecurity experts.

After understanding all the threats I hope you have understood the requirements and importance of cyber security experts. So, talking about the salary of Cyber Security experts, so it generally varies between 75k dollars to 150k dollars.

A cybersecurity expert has also various opportunities to earn money like bug bounty, penetration testing, etc. If you are willing to know more about these things then do let me know in the comment section.

4. Network Engineers

The role of network engineers is very crucial as they protect and manage the internet to function properly. And their one mistake can lead to the failure of the website or the loss of a large amount of data that can’t be recovered. Just think that almost 40% of work on the internet is going on just because of Google, so what could happen if Google goes down?

So to protect all these problems and to manage platforms network administrators are required. Although Artificial Intelligence-based tools are replacing Network Engineers on a large scale but still Network Engineers are still required on large numbers.

Talking about the salary of Network Engineers, it generally varies between 40k-60k dollars and it can also go further depending upon your skills and experiences.

5. Cloud Engineers

Cloud computing
Cloud Engineers

As we understand the importance of data, it needs to be stored somewhere. Now we can’t write that much amount of data on paper, so for that, we use cloud-based storage to store and make the data easily accessible. And to store the data efficiently cloud engineers are required.

Cloud Engineers’ job is also highly paid job as the requirement is high but the number of cloud engineer is very low. So the average salary of cloud engineers varies between 60k dollars to 150k dollars.

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