All About Google Summer of Code 2024

Getting a job in Google is dream for every computer science student. But if you want about the rate of getting a job is very low and the competition is very high. So, it’s always been tough to directly get into Google by campus selection.

So, in this article I’m going to explain about “Google Summer of Code 2024” which is an event or internship opportunity which makes it easy to join Google but first as an intern and if your performance is really worthy for them then you can get placement opportunity in Google as well.

Now I’m damn sure that a number of questions has been raised into your mind like what is internship, what is “Google Summer of Code”, how to apply for “Google Summer of Code”, Am I eligible for it or not, etc. So don’t worry, I’m going to answer all your questions. So let’s get started.

Google Summer of Code 2024
Google Summer of Code 2024

What is Internship?

Before going towards the topic “Google Summer of Code 2024”, we need to understand that what internship means?

Internship also means Industrial Training in which you get opportunity to sharpen and showcase your skills and contribute for the betterment of the respected organization. It’s a limited time opportunity which you can get during your college period.

And in return you get some stipend amount which varies from company to company. And stipend amount is not that handsome but the perks which comes along with it is very handsome like you don’t have to give the college exam but you’ll get good grades as per your performance in the organizations. You can also get the permanent job in the company as per your performance and connections.

What connection means?

Here you need to know about Connections as well. See in big companies’ performance matter too but before that your connections matters that how many friends are there in the organizations. They could help you to convert your internship into permanent jobs.

So, performing in organization is good but you need to focus on building your connections as well. And believe me it’ll be helping you a lot to get good growth in your career.

Google Summer of Code

Now let’s talk about Google Summer of Code and the important queries which generally raises in people’s mind. So, let’s first understand what is Google Summer of Code.

Google Summer of Code 2024
Google Summer of Code

So, basically as the name suggest Google Summer of Code is an internship opportunity which been provided by google in collaboration with some big giants like oracle and others. Its an one month opportunity or competition in which you and your team can compete with other teams and win stipend amount and get jobs in different organizations.

Why GSOC was Started?

Google Summer of code was first started in 2009 and the idea was to bring all the leading organization on one platform and train and make good programmer by giving them small task and providing real-life implementation knowledge.

This thing worked as well as the student gets industrial level experience and the companies were able to find good developers by analyzing their performance and learning. The best thing of this program is you get opportunity to work in a team where experience people work with you and you also get mentors.

And if your communication skill is good then you can build connections as well, which is going to help you a lot in future. And after the completion of project, you’ll get some amount as stipend and other perks are also available.

Prize of Google Summer of Code

See in GSOC (Google Summer of Code) it’s not necessary that if your project wins then only you’ll get prize. It is based on what works you are doing on that behalf you will get prize. Basically, the prizes in GSOC are based on three categories. First one is for small sized project in which you’ll get a minimum stipend of 1000 dollar which will goes up to 2500 dollars

The 2nd category is for medium sized project in which the minimum stipend amount is 1500 dollars which goes up to 3000 dollars and in some case, you can also get an amount of 3300 dollars. The 3rd category is for large sized project in which the minimum stipend amount starts from 3300 dollars and goes up to 6000 dollars.

Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code

Extra Perks for Every Participants

So, this was about the cash prizes only but the main feature of this program is that if you work hard and give some good results to the organization then you can also get permanent jobs in the organization. And after the completion of the project, you will also get a certificate which can increase you level in comparison to other college students and chances of getting selected in campus selection also gets increased.

So, this was all about Google summer of code now is you want to learn how to apply for Google summer of code then click on Read More below.

Frequently Asked Question(FAQs)

Q. What is Google Summer of Code?

Google Summer of Code is an internship opportunity which has been provided by google to give industrial experience to the students.

Q. Who can Apply for GSOC 2024?

Anyone who has good knowledge about any programing language can apply for Google Summer of Code 2024.

Q. Does Google Summer of Code pay?

Yes, if you got selected in GSOC 2024 you’ll get paid by google according to your performance.

Q. How do I get into Google Summer of Code?

You need to apply for GSOC and before applying it you need to build connections in the companies which are participating in GSOC.

Q. How difficult is Google Summer of Code?

GSOC is quite difficult for the freshers as the work is done on the real life which is totally different situation

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