Are you a CSE Student and want to earn money during your college period, then one of the best ways to earn money is open source contributions for beginners. Now what are Open-Source Contributions and how to earn money with Open source Contributions for beginners?
In this article, I’m going to answer all your questions and share all the steps to earn money through Open Source Contributions. I know this might be the first time for a lot of students to hear about open source contribution but believe me this method will help you to earn money as well as boost your CV.
Table of Contents
What are Open Source Contributions?
Open-Source Contributions: As the name suggests there are few projects available on the internet that are Open Source means anyone can use those project or their code and if they can add any value or any feature to that project then they are allowed to do it as well.
In return for adding some value to that project, they will get some prizes as well as goodies, and not only that they can mention this thing in their CV that they have contributed to that organization along with the proof of contribution.
Open Source Contributions will help you to get a good placement as well. And if you have contributed to any organization and if they find you useful for them then they can also hire you. And you can also make good contacts by doing that.
There are a lot of reputed organizations in which open-source contributions can be made and you can earn money. The work is usually very small as the organizations don’t want to involve their employee in such small work. One of the big Open Souce Projects is Linux and you are allowed to make Open Source Contributions in Linux.
What are the benefits of Open Source contributions?
There are a lot of benefits of Open Source Contribution. We are going to understand each one by one. The first benefit of making an Open Source Contribution is for what we are reading in this article i.e. money. We can earn a good amount by making Open Source Contributions. Usually, you can get 20-30 dollars for a work of 30-60 minutes.
And if you find at least 2 projects daily then you can easily earn up to 1000 dollars monthly. Yes, that much amount but don’t be excited too much as finding an Open Source Project for Contribution is quite hectic work. But don’t worry I’m going to help you to find the projects.
The second benefit of Contributing to an Open Source Project is boosting your CV. Yes, just think that if you write in your CV that you have contributed to a reputed organization and that is live as well then how your CV will be seen? You will stay one level up than the other candidates.
The third benefit of doing that is connection. While contributing you will get to make a lot of connections with the officials of that organization which will be helping you a lot. And fourth benefit of contributing to an open-source project is you can get a job or internship opportunity in that organization if they find you helpful for them.
Types of Open Source Contributions
There are three types of open source contribution which are generally categorised on the basis of paying criteria. The first one is a Free Open Source Contributions, 2nd one is a Paid Open Source Contributions and the 3rd one is a Prize-Based Open Source Contributions.
In Free Open-Source Contributions, you will not be paid for your work but you’ll get credit for that. Now, a lot of users will think about what we’ll do with that credit. You can mention it in your CV and make a connection with the officials of that organization which is going to help you a lot.
Paid Open Source Contribution
Prizes-Based Open Source Contribution
How to find a project for Open Source Contributions for beginners?
There are a few ways to find a project for open-source contributions for beginners. But mainly two ways are used for it. Number one is GitHub Explore and number two is open source Friday. These are platforms that are generally used for Open Sorce Contributions for beginners.
Open Source Contributions Github
To find a project for Open Source Contributions for beginners you can visit GitHub Explore Page and there you will get different repositories where you will get the source code and the problems of the organizations that they want to fix.
There are hundreds and thousands of projects available on this platform but you need to find the projects according to your requirements. Now you might wonder why they want us to contribute on GitHub, they might be fraud.
So my dear newbies, will they give you the whole website access to contribute? This is not possible that’s why they upload the repo on GitHub and explain the requirements that you need to develop or improve.
Now you can get an opportunity to work with Google while Contributing to Open Source Projects. Want to know about that then read our article about Google Summer Of Code.
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