Complete process to apply for Google Summer of Code 2024

Google Summer of Code 2024: Searching for a job during recession is like searching a nail in desert. And if you are Computer Science Student then you must be aware about layoffs being rolled out by google and other organizations. But if you are really serious about getting placed then in the previous article I explained about Google Summer of Code.

So, this is the 2nd part of the same article and in this article, I’m going to explain about how to apply for Google summer of code and what is the eligibility criteria of Google Summer of Code.

Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code

Eligibility Criteria for Google Summer of Code 2024

There is no as such any criteria to apply for Google Summer of Code. Any one can apply for Google Summer of Code. It doesn’t matter that you are a CSE student or commerce or arts student. If you know programming then you are eligible for Google Summer of Code.

But the CSE students and students studying in 2nd year or more than are more preferred as the main motive of GSOC is to give industrial experience and making them good developer. And the selection process in this program is very different which we will talk in “how to apply for Google Summer of Code” section.

And for being selected in GSOC you need to be very good in at least any one programing language like c++, java, JavaScript, python, c, etc. You don’t need any letter or anything from college as it usually held during summer vacations and it is also an online based program so you can work in it from anywhere.

Schedule for Google Summer of Code 2024

Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code

The schedule for GSOC 2024 has been released by Google on November 20th 2023. The applicates for Google Summer of Code 2024 will be starting from January 22nd 2024 and the deadline for applying for GSOC 2024 is February 6th 2024. So, if you are willing to apply for GSOC 2024 then mark these dates into your calendar.

Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code

The list of organizations collaborating with google and performing into Google Summer of Code 2024 will be released on February 21st 2024. The date for applying as contributor proposals has been scheduled on March 18th 2024 and the deadline for it is April 2nd 2024.

Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code

Proposal Ranking deadline for GSOC is April 24th 2024 and the slot Allocation deadline is April 29th 2024. And the project which are allocated to the organizations will be declared on April 30th 2024 and the accepted project will be announced on May 1st 2024.

Prize distribution of GSOC 2024

And this program will end on November 14th 2024. So those students who got selected in this program will be performing and showcasing their talent during this period. After completion of 50% of project you will be awarded with the 50% parts of the prize and the remaining 50% will be given by the end of the program.

Remember that the certificates and the other perks will be provided by the end of the program only and the students who are not trying and performing will not the first 50% prize as well. So, you need to work hard till the end of the program. Also, if you seriously want to join GSOC 2024 then you need to start from today only because you have to make connection in other organization to join GSOC, why?

How to apply for Google Summer of Code 2024?

The process to apply for GSOC is totally different. For apply you first need to make contacts into the organization which are participating in Google Summer of Code. For that you need to find out the list of those organizations.

Although the list will be shared on 21st Feb, 2024 but here are few organizations which generally participate in GSOC every year. So, you can start making contacts in these organization to get selected into GSOC 2024. Here a question rises that how to make contact in these organizations?

How to make connection in the organization participating in Google Summer of Code 2024?

Making contact in these organization is quite easy. Here are the steps using which you can make contacts in these organizations:

  1. Search for the GitHub profile of the companies which usually participate in GSOC 2024 and check for the contribution which are required. Start from the small project and contribute in it and then slowly increase it.
  2. Join the discord servers and take suggestion from the employee of the company and also suggest anything required.
  3. Follow the employees and big officials of that company on LinkedIn and share on LinkedIn by tagging them whatever you have contributed in that organization.

Using these steps, you can make good contacts in the organizations which will help you to join GSOC 2024. Then you can apply for GSOC and as you had contributed in the organization so the chances to getting selected will be increased.

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