Top 5 Web3 Programming Languages You Should Learn in 2024 

Web3 Programming Languages: People are seeking the future of the internet in web3 technology. And, currently, web3 technology is the biggest matter of conversation. If you are also one of those who want to make a career in web3 technology and learn Web3 Programming Languages, then this article is only for you.

web3 programming language

In this article, I’m going to share all the information related to web3 technology and share the list of the top 5 WEB3 Programming Languages that you should learn in 2024 if you are seeking to build a career in WEB3 technologies.

What is Web3 Programming Languages?

Before going towards the list of top 5 WEB3 Programming languages, we need to understand what are WEB3 technologies. So, WEB3 is being considered as the future of the internet as it is mainly used to secure the data of the users.

WEB 3.0 is also known as a decentralized web(where data is not stored in a single system or server). It is a set of emerging technologies that will revolutionize the way we interact with online information without harming our privacy.

That’s interesting, isn’t it? Basically in this technology, the data gets stored on the system of the user only. So, the chances of being theft are almost none. Now as this field seems to be interesting, it requires a different skillset for the WEB3.0 developer. Let’s move toward the list of top 5 Web3 Programming Languages You Should Learn in 2024 to build a career in the field of Web 3.0.

Rust WEB3 Programming Languages


RUST is a statically typed language focusing on safety and concurrency. RUST Offers higher memory efficiency which makes it more efficient. Although RUST is a new programming language, it is better than Python when considering error handling, garbage collection, memory management, etc.

RUST is Widely used for building on the Solana blockchain. If you want to build a career in WEB3 technology and seek a better future, then RUST could be the best and the first programming language you should consider learning.

RUST is a multiparadigm, compiled programming language that is considered the modern version of C and C++ by the developer. Rust is used in the back-end development of web applications.

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Vyper WEB3 Programming Languages

Vyper was Developed by the Ethereum Foundation to enhance Solidity. Vyper is a contract-oriented, pythonic programming language that targets the Ethereum Virtual Machine(EVM). Vyper is designed by keeping security in mind. The readability and the simplicity of the codes of Vyber programming language is mind-blowing which makes it less prone to attack vectors than solidity.

It has a small set of features and instructions which makes it easy to audit for errors and security risks. Not only that, but Vyper also eliminates features that make Solidity vulnerable. So, Vyper is also one of those programming languages that can help you to make a good career and can generate several opportunities for you.

Vyper is based on Python and it was created by Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, it’s an experimental language that was developed to be an alternative to Solidity. It was assumed that it would be more secure and readable which would help to reduce the risks of the contract getting hacked.

Huff WEB3 Programming Languages


Huff Language is a User-friendly language that emphasizes security. It is a low-level programming language designed for developing highly optimized smart contracts that run on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It doesn’t hide the inner workings of EVM.

After RUST and Vyper this is also one of those programming languages that can help you to get good opportunities. See all these programming languages work on the model of blockchain. It is suitable for developers of all skill levels.

Go (Golang)

Golang also known as GO is used for the development of WEB3 programs. It’s quite popular among blockchain developers. Go is an open-source programming language that makes it simple to build a secure and scalable system. Developers use this programming language to develop web applications, cloud and networking services, and other types of software.

In terms of performance and speed, Golang is considered as better than Python. But Python has a very large community and has various tools and libraries. It can also be used for both frontend and backend.


Solidity is one of the oldest languages which was designed to run on Ethereum. It’s like the base of WEB3 programming languages which every programmer should know if they are going in the field of WEB3 programming.

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